Section: Software and Platforms


Participants : Laurence Duchien [correspondant] , Antonio de Almeida Souza Neto.

CALICO is an agile development framework for the design and evolution of safe component-based and service-oriented software that has been developed in the context of Guillaume Waignier's PhD thesis  [128] .

Agile software development relies on an iterative and incremental development cycle that allows the software architect to iterate between the design of the architecture and the debug of the software in its execution context. At each iteration, the architect can evolve its software and check the consistency of its evolution through the execution of static and dynamic analysis tools. During the design and the evolution of the system, the architect can use a set of metamodels to specify the structure of the architecture and its various quality of services requirement. During the deployment, CALICO instantiates the system on the target runtime platform from the models specified and keeps them synchronized with the software during its execution. Through this means, the architect has a conceptual view, which allows him to reason on the critical software properties during its evolution. Moreover, in order to check these evolutions, CALICO provides a unifying framework, which allows reuse of many static analysis tools of software architectures and dynamic debugging tools, that were scattered in different existing platforms. Thus, each change can be statically analyzed on the conceptual view before being propagated to the software system. Dynamic analyses are based on data values available during the execution only. The capture of these values is done through automatic instrumentation of the software system.

Globally, CALICO enables reliable evolution even if the underlying platforms do not natively provide this support. The current version handles four component-based and service-oriented platforms (FraSCAti , Fractal , OpenCCM , OpenCom ). Moreover, the benchmarks that we have performed show that CALICO is usable for the design and development of safe applications up to 10,000 components and services, which corresponds to the maximal load of most runtime platforms.

Inria Evaluation Committee Criteria for Software Self-Assessment: A-3, SO-4, SM-3, EM-3, SDL-4. CALICO is an open source software available at http://calico.gforge.inria.fr .